I will be travelling America in August 2010, Here i will share my experiences.

About Me

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I grew up in the south east suburbs of Melbourne and love my city. I have travelled a large part of the world and seen many places. Blogger is primarily my outlet for travel adventures but also currently for the model railway I am building.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New York to Las Vegas via Chicago

With my flight to Las Vegas after 4PM, I checked out of the backpackers for one last look at New York. I headed down Broadway to M&Ms world. Thats three floors of shopping with nothing but M&Ms (you know the chocolate) merchandise. Pillows, clothing, cards, M&M dispensers, mugs, shot glasses, you name it, they had it with M&Ms on it.

After a last trip wandering around Manhatten I collected my gear and caught the subway out to JKF airport. JFK is a well thought out airport. There is train that does a loop of all the terminals called the airtrain and it connects with the subway system, providing a seemless connection with the city. I checked my bags in and then had a late lunch while I waited for my flight to Las Vegas... which was cancelled about 15 minutes before boarding time. This began the mucking around standing in line to get rebooked and collect my baggage. In brief they got me a flight via Chicago from one of the other New York airports Legaguag and I made it to Las Vegas around 11PM (which was actually about 2AM New York time!)

M&M World in New York City

M&M World in New York City

M&M World in New York City

M&M World in New York City

M&M World in New York City

M&M World in New York City

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